Ordinary investors will soon have the opportunity to invest in early-stage startups in exchange for company stock. 普通投资者很快将有机会投资于早期初创企业,从而获得这些公司的股票。
Persons in charge of a stock exchange or a stock registration and accounting institution, members of the board of directors or the board of supervisors, and managers who have been removed from their posts for violation of law or discipline within the last five years. (一)因违法行为或者违纪行为被解除职务的证券交易所、证券登记结算机构的负责人或者证券公司的董事、监事、经理,自被解除职务之日起未逾五年;
The stocks began trading yesterday on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Stock Market, respectively. 这两只股票周四分别在纽约证交所和纳斯达克市场上市交易。
Article 126. Employees of a stock exchange, a stock registration and accounting institution, and a securities company, as well as government functionaries who are fired for violation of law or discipline are not allowed to be recruited by securities companies. 第一百二十六条因违法行为或者违纪行为被开除的证券交易所、证券登记结算机构、证券公司的从业人员和被开除的国家机关工作人员,不得招聘为证券公司的从业人员。
There is a fictional stock exchange and a stock broker with multiple stock traders who each make a number of trades. 提供了一个虚拟的股票交易所和一个股票经纪公司以及多名股票交易员,每个人都会执行一些交易。
Sizes for the exchange of stock data were reduced to almost a quarter of the size when using the old format. 股票数据被压缩到了旧格式的四分之一大小。
To exchange stock market information with the woman. 与女士交换股市信息。
Exchange-traded funds resemble index-oriented mutual funds and trade on an exchange like a stock. ETF类似于指数型共同基金,也像股票一样在交易所上市交易。
The deal will create a company that controls about 98 per cent of US-listed futures and offers contracts on a wide range of underlying commodities and events such as interest rates, foreign exchange, stock indices, oil, metals and agricultural products. 这笔交易造就的一家公司将控制美国约98%的上市期货,其提供的合约涉及众多基础大宗商品及事件,如利率、汇率、股指、石油、金属及农产品。
The representative offices cooperate with Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange to carry out the training of secretaries of the board of directors of Listed Companies in accordance with the responsible system for the supervision of the jurisdiction areas of listed companies. 按照上市公司辖区监管责任制要求,各派出机构配合上海、深圳证券交易所落实上市公司董事会秘书培训工作。
New York Stock Exchange common stock index 纽约证券交易所普通股票指数
By issuing debt in exchange for stock, managers bond their promise to pay out future cash flows in a way that simple dividend increases do not. 通过发行股票冲销债务,管理层以一种简单分红所不具备的方式兑现了他们对于未来现金流的承诺。
The reasons are the change of economic strength of countries, abnormal change of exchange rate and stock market, rapid development of financial innovation, and the increase of power against monopoly. 这些特点的形成原因是由于各国经济实力发生了变化、国际汇率和股市变动异常以及金融创新和金融自由化的趋势加快、国际反垄断力量的增强等。
The unlisted companies can not trade their securities through the listing system at the stock exchange or other stock markets. 未上市的公司的股票不能在证交所或其他股票市场公开挂牌交易。
Research on the Relevance Relationship between Exchange Rate and Stock Price 人民币汇率与股价行为的关联效应研究
Fidelity Investments was targeted because it was the largest holder on the New York Stock Exchange of PetroChina stock. 美国富达投资集团之所以成为靶子,是因为它是纽约证交所中石油股票的最大持有者。
Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange are responsible for training organization, including course design, faculty selection, site arrangement, examination organization, certificate issuance, information maintenance, and so on. 上海、深圳证券交易所负责培训组织工作,包括课程设计、师资选择、场所安排、考试组织、证书发放、资料信息维护等。
An Empirical Study about Exchange Rate and Stock Price Interaction: Evidence from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hongkong 汇率与股价关联的实证研究&基于汇改后中国大陆、台湾、香港的数据
Study on the Supervisory Mechanism of Futures Exchange over Stock Index Futures 股指期货的期货交易所监管机制研究
Volatility Spillover Effects between RMB Exchange Rate and Stock Market 人民币汇率与股票市场波动溢出效应研究
Study on Impact of Stamp Tax on Security Exchange on Stock Price Volatility 证券交易印花税对股市波动性影响的实证研究
Linkages between Exchange Rates and Stock Indexes: Evidence from Chinese Financial Markets 中国金融市场中汇率和股票指数的关联性
"Shares listed on the unified exchange, American stock exchange, London Stock exchange, Nagoya Stock exchange, New York Stock exchange, Osaka Securities Exchange or Tokyo Stock exchange" 在联合交易所大证券交易所名古屋证券交易所东京证券交易所美国证券交易所纽约证券交易所或伦敦证券交易所上市的股份
It is listed on the New York Exchange as an over-the-counter stock. 它在纽约证券交易所是排在店头交易股票的名单上。
Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange please forward the circular to all members of securities registry balance and settlementmembers. 请上海证券交易所、深圳证券交易所将本通知转发给各证券登记结算会员。
Comparative Analysis of Degree of Information Asymmetry between Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange: An Empirical Study Based on MRR Model 沪深两市信息非对称程度及其对比:基于MRR方法的经验研究
There is a fairly good analogy between foreign exchange markets and stock markets. So it sounds like it's going to be an evenly matched game. 外汇市场与证券市场非常相似。所以这似乎是一场不相上下的竞赛。
He said: You simply can't exchange an undervalued stock for a fully valued one without hurting your shareholders. 巴菲特表示:你不可能在不伤害本公司股东的情况下,用一家低估值的股票,换取一家充分估值的股票。
An Empirical Research on the Relationship Between Foreign Exchange Market and Stock Market Under Financial Crisis 金融危机背景下汇市与股市关系实证研究
The New York Stock Exchange and the American stock exchange are the largest stock exchange in the U.S.A. 纽约证券交易所和美国证券交易所是美国最大的证券交易所。